Domperidone-Lhrh-A-Induced Ovulation of The Bagrid Catfish,Mystus macropterus and Leiocassis longirostris
Graphical Abstract
To sexually matured feral catfish,Mystus macropterus (Bleeker),injection of domperidone (DOM),a dopamine antagonist,failed to stimulate an increase in serum gonadotropin (GTH) level and failed to induce ovulation.Injection of LHRH-A alone had an effect on stimulating an increase in serum GTH levels,but resulted in a low ovulation rate.Injection of DOM plus LHRH-A resulted in significantly higher serum GTH levels than injection of LHRH-A alone,and resulted in a significantly higher ovulatory response.To sexually matured feral catfish,Leiocassis longirostris Gunther,injection of LHRH-A plus DOM had the same effect as LHRH-A plus silver carp pituitary suspension (SCPS),which had been used to induce ovulation of the bagrid catfishes for years,in inducing ovulation.Linpe method (LHRH-A plus DOM,given in single or two injections) avoided the truble of collecting and storing the pituitary and should be popularized in the artificial propagation of the bagrids in aquaculture.