A Study on The Mitochondrial DNA of Four Species of Accipitridae (Falconiformes:Aves)
Graphical Abstract
In is paper,14 restriction endonucleases,ApaⅠ,BamHⅠ,BglⅡ,EcoRⅠ,EcoRⅤ,HindⅢ,HpaⅠ,KpnⅠ,PstⅠ,PvuⅡ,SalⅠ,ScaⅠ,XbaⅠ,and XhoⅠ were used to analyse the mtDNA of 4 species of Accipitridae (Accipiter nisus,A.Virgatus,A.gentilis and Butastur indicus).The total size of Accipitridae mtDNA was estimated to be 16.5-16.7 kb,with a mean of 7% sequence divergence between the species.The result suggest that the divergenec time between them might be 35-40 Myr.