Mytomycin Made in China Can Be Used to Isolate Embryonic Stem Cells with Ability in Contributing to Germ Lines
Graphical Abstract
Application of drugs made in China on culture of embryonic stem cells could decrease the cost of ES cell research. In our experiment, mytomycin made in China(Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd, authorized H33020786)was used to process feeder cells, from which mouse embryonic stem cells have been isolated and cultured in vitro. When the blastocysts were cultured directly on treated feeder cell layer, the inner cell masses were growing. After 4-6 days culture, ICM-derived outgrowths were separated into clumps, and placed on mitomycin C-treated mouse embryonic fibroblasts feeder layer. Every 2-3 days, passage were made ever since. These ES cells have been proven to have a potential for germ-line contribution.