Comparison of Habitat Utilization Between Sympatric Populations of Rana pleuraden and R. chaochiaoensis in the Kunming Area
Graphical Abstract
Previous studies of the habitat utilization of amphibians in China have lacked robust descriptive and qualitative data. The aufhors measured 12 ecological factors in a one meter radius of each frog found in order to describe habitat utilization. One hundred and thirty-three individuals of Rana pleuraden and 62 of R. chaochiaoensis were found and recorded. Two independent sample T tests and nonparametric Mann-Whitney U tests were used for comparison of habitat utilization between the two frog species. The results indicate that in dry grass niches, only the highest plant height is significantly. In moist grass niches, the distance to water and percentage of water in the habitat is highly significantly different; percentage of float grass and wet mud is also significantly different. In water bodies, various ecological factors are significantly different. The results of a principal components analysis show that in different niches, the main ecological factors selected by R. pleuraden and R. chaochiaoensis are usually the same or their order is reversed. However, the importance of these factors is almost opposite, which means that their niches are different. Habitat utilization is therefore different and is actively selected by the two frog species. R. pleuraden chooses to live mainly in water bodies while R. chaochiaoensis lives in moist grass and dry grass niches. Both species of frog utilize muddy niches less than other niches. The body size of R. pleuraden does not affect their use of water habitats. However, larger R. chaochiaoensis utilize moist grass and dry grass niches more often than smaller individuals due to the ability of these habitats to conceal larger animals. They also utilize water bodies less than smaller individuals.