New Record of a Bat Species from China,Myotis hasseltii (Temminck,1840)
Graphical Abstract
A species of bats Myotis hasseltii (female) collected in Bailong Dong,Mile County,Yunnan Province,China,in September,2003,and this is the first record from China.Diagnosis of this specimen:the pelage is short and velvety,with the upperparts gray to pale brown and the underparts somewhat lighter;the individual hairs are dark at their bases,with pale silver tips.The ears are dark brown and large,but rather short;the tragus is bluntly pointed,with a triangular lobe at its base.The face and muzzle are covered with sparse hairs,with the exposed skin pink in color.The interfemoral membrane is large,acutely angular behind;the wings attach at the ankle.The second premolar is displaced inwards so that the first and third premolars are nearly in contact.This report brings the known bat fauna of China to 122 species,the genus of Myotis of China to 25.