The Effect of Wastewater and Water Treated With The Sewage Land Disposal System on Frequency of Micronuclei of Tadpole Erythrocytes of Toad,Bufo andrewsi
Graphical Abstract
In this paper,we used frequency of micronucleated erythrocytes in the tadpoles as the indicator to study the mutagenicity of wastewater of Mingtong River and various water quality treated with SLDS.The tadpoles were exposed in various water sample for 7 days.Smears of the cardiac blood samples were prepared.The frequencies of micronucleated erythrocytes in two control groups were 4.40‰ and 4.68‰,respectively.The frequency of tadpole micronucleated erythocytes induced by wastewater from Mingtong River was 17.01‰.There was significant difference in comparison with control groups.