Jin Miao, Huanhuan Zhu, Junni Wang, Jianghua Chen, Fei Han, Weiqiang Lin. 2024. Experimental Models for Preclinical Research in Kidney Disease. Zoological Research. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2024.072
Citation: Jin Miao, Huanhuan Zhu, Junni Wang, Jianghua Chen, Fei Han, Weiqiang Lin. 2024. Experimental Models for Preclinical Research in Kidney Disease. Zoological Research. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2024.072

Experimental Models for Preclinical Research in Kidney Disease

  • Acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) represent prevalent public health concerns emerging with long-term risk of mortality, which are caused by various factors including renal ischemia, sepsis, drug toxicity, and diabetes mellitus. Numerous preclinical models have been developed to enhance our understanding of the pathologic processes and the treatments for kidney diseases. Among these experimental models, rodent models serve as powerful tools for therapeutic discovery, while kidney organoids have emerged as a promising development over the past decade. This review aims to provide insights into the construction processes, underlying mechanisms, and preclinical therapeutic developments of different types of AKI and CKD models. It summarizes the advantages, limitations, and challenges of these preclinical models, offering robust preclinical evidence to support therapeutic strategies.
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