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GorinVladislav A., TrofimetsAlexey V., GogolevaSvetlana S., DacLe Xuan, PoyarkovNikolay A.. 2023: 越南南部低地森林 Nanohyla 属一新种(无尾目:姬蛙科). 动物学研究, 44(4): 732-736. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2023.029
引用本文: GorinVladislav A., TrofimetsAlexey V., GogolevaSvetlana S., DacLe Xuan, PoyarkovNikolay A.. 2023: 越南南部低地森林 Nanohyla 属一新种(无尾目:姬蛙科). 动物学研究, 44(4): 732-736. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2023.029
Vladislav A. Gorin, Alexey V. Trofimets, Svetlana S. Gogoleva, Le Xuan Dac, Nikolay A. Poyarkov. 2023. A new species of Nanohyla (Anura: Microhylidae) from the lowland forests of southern Vietnam. Zoological Research, 44(4): 732-736. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2023.029
Citation: Vladislav A. Gorin, Alexey V. Trofimets, Svetlana S. Gogoleva, Le Xuan Dac, Nikolay A. Poyarkov. 2023. A new species of Nanohyla (Anura: Microhylidae) from the lowland forests of southern Vietnam. Zoological Research, 44(4): 732-736. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2023.029

越南南部低地森林 Nanohyla 属一新种(无尾目:姬蛙科)

A new species of Nanohyla (Anura: Microhylidae) from the lowland forests of southern Vietnam

  • 摘要: 该研究使用整合分类学方法描述了一个来自越南南部富安河宋兴森林保护区的 Nanohyla 属新种。新种代表一个明显不同的演化系群(16S rRNA基因的未校正距离大于5.3%),在一系列的形态特征上明显与其他的 Nanohyla 物种不同,而最明显的是头部背面有白色的斑点。在形态上,新种 Nanohyla albopunctata sp. nov. 的鉴定特征包括体型小(雄性头体长18.2–20.2 mm);身体略为修长;吻端钝圆;鼓膜明显;吻棱钝圆;颊部略凹陷;背部皮肤带疣粒,腹部表面光滑;背中脊无突起肤棱和背中线;上眼睑无疣粒;颞褶不明显;第一指退化,长度不到第二指的一半;二到四指吸盘末端带横沟;掌突2个且明显;蹠突2个;后肢长,胫跗关节贴体向前时远超吻端;指间无蹼;趾间蹼式:I 1–2 II 1–2 III 1–2 IV 1½–1 V;背部颜色从深灰到黄灰色,有「泰迪熊」状的深棕色斑纹;大腿后侧和肛门区有几条深棕色条纹;颌、胸和腹部带灰色杂斑纹。该研究同时描述新种雄性求偶鸣声,其特征是一系列响板状的咯咯声,由2到6个叫声组成,每个叫声持续0.63秒,最初有1到3个脉冲,后续有5到9个脉冲,主频约为3.02 kHz。目前,新种 Nanohyla albopunctata sp. nov. 只记录于越南南部富安河卡山山脉(Ca Mountain Range)山麓海拔高度200–400 m的季风低地热带森林中;这与通常仅分布在山区的 Nanohyla 物种较不寻常。本次发现使 Nanohyla 属的物种总数达到了10种,其中7种在越南有分布。我们初步建议根据世界自然保护联盟物种红色名录(IUCN Red Lise)的评级标准,将这个新种视为数据缺乏(Data Deficient)。


    Abstract: We describe a new species of Nanohyla from the Song Hinh Protected Forest in Phu Yen Province, southern Vietnam, based on an integrative taxonomic approach. The new species represents a divergent lineage (16S rRNA gene uncorrected P-distance>5.3%), which clearly differs from any other Nanohyla species based on a series of morphological characters, most notably the presence of white spots on the top of its head. Morphologically, Nanohyla albopunctata sp. nov. is characterized by small body size (male snout–vent length (SVL) 18.2–20.2 mm); moderately slender body habitus; rounded snout; distinct tympanum; rounded canthus rostralis; loreal region slightly concave; skin on dorsum tubercular, ventral surfaces smooth; mid-vertebral skin ridge and dorsomedial stripe absent; superciliary tubercles absent; supratympanic fold indistinct; finger I reduced, less than half of finger II in length; II–IV fingers bearing discs with weak terminal grooves; two distinct palmar tubercles; two metatarsal tubercles; hindlimbs long, tibiotarsal articulation of adpressed limb reaching well beyond snout; fingers free of webbing; toe webbing formula: I 1–2 II 1–2 III 1–2 IV 1½–1 V; dorsum varying from dark gray to yellowish-gray, with darker "teddy-bear"-shaped brown marking; posterior surfaces of thighs and cloacal region with several brown stripes; chin, chest, and belly with gray mottling. We also report on the male advertisement call of the new species, characterized by a series of rattling sounds, consisting of 2–6 calls lasting 0.63 s, with 1–3 initial pulses and 5–9 successive pulses at a dominant frequency of ca. 3.02 kHz. To date, Nanohyla albopunctata sp. nov. is known only from the monsoon lowland tropical forest at the foothills of the Ca Mountain Range in Phu Yen Province of southern Vietnam at elevations of 200–400 m a.s.l., uncommon for the generally mountain-restricted Nanohyla genus. Our discovery brings the total number of Nanohyla species to 10, seven of which occur in Vietnam. We preliminary suggest the new species be considered as Data Deficient (DD) following the IUCN Red List categories.


