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张劲松, 王海权, 夏洁, 沙琨, 何树涛, 戴昊, 郝小虎, 周祎炜, 王秋, 丁可可, 琚张磊, 王文, 陈洛南. 2022: 动植物界中启动子与转录因子共演化洞见. 动物学研究, 43(5): 805-812. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2022.111
引用本文: 张劲松, 王海权, 夏洁, 沙琨, 何树涛, 戴昊, 郝小虎, 周祎炜, 王秋, 丁可可, 琚张磊, 王文, 陈洛南. 2022: 动植物界中启动子与转录因子共演化洞见. 动物学研究, 43(5): 805-812. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2022.111
Jing-Song Zhang, Hai-Quan Wang, Jie Xia, Kun Sha, Shu-Tao He, Hao Dai, Xiao-Hu Hao, Yi-Wei Zhou, Qiu Wang, Ke-Ke Ding, Zhang-Lei Ju, Wen Wang, Luo-Nan Chen. 2022. Coevolutionary insights between promoters and transcription factors in the plant and animal kingdoms. Zoological Research, 43(5): 805-812. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2022.111
Citation: Jing-Song Zhang, Hai-Quan Wang, Jie Xia, Kun Sha, Shu-Tao He, Hao Dai, Xiao-Hu Hao, Yi-Wei Zhou, Qiu Wang, Ke-Ke Ding, Zhang-Lei Ju, Wen Wang, Luo-Nan Chen. 2022. Coevolutionary insights between promoters and transcription factors in the plant and animal kingdoms. Zoological Research, 43(5): 805-812. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2022.111


Coevolutionary insights between promoters and transcription factors in the plant and animal kingdoms

  • 摘要: 动物和植物从原始的单细胞生物(绿色鞭毛生物)分化(diverge)并各自持续地演化(evolve),促成了地球上自然生态的多样性(diversity)。在真核生物(eukaryotes)的基因转录(transcription)和调控(regulation)过程中,启动子(promoters)和转录因子(transcription factors)以及它们的相互作用扮演着决定性作用。然而,启动子和转录因子分子的演化轨迹及演化模式目前尚不清楚。通过在跨度大约为十亿年的演化历程上的420个动物物种,223个植物物种基因组和蛋白组序列分析和理化性质分析表明:(1)序列的GC含量(GC-content)和蛋白质的等电点(isoelectric points)可分别作为基因的启动子和转录因子的演化特征印记(signatures);(2)在动物界,启动子的GC含量和转录因子的等电点,在漫长的演化历程中,表现出同步的持续增长;(3)在植物界,启动子的GC含量和转录因子的等电点,则表现出同步的降低趋势。启动子和转录因子的演化轨迹为“哺乳动物和鸟类一样,都是从爬行动物直接演化而来”提供了新的证据。通过分析启动子和转录因子之间相互作用的理化特征,以及它们之间演化轨迹的强相关性和显著性,表明启动子和转录因子在动物界呈现拮抗的共演化(antagonistic coevolution),而在植物界则呈现互利的共演化(mutualistic coevolution)。该研究为探究启动子与转录因子间的相互作用机理,进一步理解动植物的分化、趋异演化及生态多样性提供了新的洞见。


    Abstract: The divergence and continuous evolution of plants and animals contribute to ecological diversity. Promoters and transcription factors (TFs) are key determinants of gene regulation and transcription throughout life. However, the evolutionary trajectories and relationships of promoters and TFs are still poorly understood. Here, we conducted extensive analysis of large-scale multi-omics sequences in 420 animal species and 223 plant species spanning nearly a billion years of evolutionary history. Results showed that promoter GC-content and TF isoelectric points, as features/signatures that accompany long biological evolution, exhibited increasing growth in animal cells but a decreasing trend in plant cells. Furthermore, the evolutionary trajectories of promoter and TF signatures in the animal kingdom provided further evidence that Mammalia as well as Aves evolved directly from the ancestor Reptilia. The strong correlation between promoter and TF signatures indicates that promoters and TFs formed antagonistic coevolution in the animal kingdom, but mutualistic coevolution in the plant kingdom. The distinct coevolutionary patterns potentially drive the plant-animal divergence, divergent evolution and ecological diversity.


