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宋飏, 江聪, 李坤华, 李晶, 邱洪, PriceMegan, 范振鑫, 李静. 2021: 全基因组分析揭示猕猴属物种间复杂的渐渗基因流. 动物学研究, 42(4): 433-449. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2021.038
引用本文: 宋飏, 江聪, 李坤华, 李晶, 邱洪, PriceMegan, 范振鑫, 李静. 2021: 全基因组分析揭示猕猴属物种间复杂的渐渗基因流. 动物学研究, 42(4): 433-449. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2021.038
Yang Song, Cong Jiang, Kun-Hua Li, Jing Li, Hong Qiu, Megan Price, Zhen-Xin Fan, Jing Li. 2021. Genome-wide analysis reveals signatures of complex introgressive gene flow in macaques (genus Macaca). Zoological Research, 42(4): 433-449. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2021.038
Citation: Yang Song, Cong Jiang, Kun-Hua Li, Jing Li, Hong Qiu, Megan Price, Zhen-Xin Fan, Jing Li. 2021. Genome-wide analysis reveals signatures of complex introgressive gene flow in macaques (genus Macaca). Zoological Research, 42(4): 433-449. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2021.038


Genome-wide analysis reveals signatures of complex introgressive gene flow in macaques (genus Macaca)

  • 摘要: 猕猴属物种分化时间较短(约500万年),经历了快速的适应辐射,是物种形成和渐渗基因流研究的理想模型。为了更全面、深入的阐释猕猴属进化过程中的种间基因流,我们对4个猕猴(2个红面猴和2个藏酋猴)进行了全基因组重测序,并结合已报道的猕猴属全基因组数据,我们共分析了14个猕猴个体基因组,覆盖了亚洲猕猴的所有种组。研究结果表明猕猴属中存在着广泛的种间基因流信号,最强的信号出现在fascicularissilenus种组之间。其中尤其是食蟹猴与南豚尾猴之间的基因流信号最为显著,结合多种基因组分析方法,食蟹猴与与南豚尾猴之间可能存在双向的基因流;且二者因种间基因流而共享的基因组片段占基因组的6.19%。同时也检测到一些岛屿物种(如苏拉威西猕猴和日本猴)与其他猕猴间存在基因流,这可能在很大程度上归因于近缘物种间基因组的相似性或祖先谱系间的杂交事件。此外,我们也发现同一物种(红面猴、恒河猴、食蟹猴、南豚尾猴和藏酋猴)的不同种群个体间存在不一致的基因流信号,表明这些基因流发生在不同的种群分化之后。种群历史动态分析显示所有的亚洲猕猴在500万年前都经历了一次瓶颈,此后,不同物种表现出了不同的种群历史动态,表明猕猴属在进化过程中经历了复杂的环境与气候变化。综上,该研究从全基因组的角度揭示了亚洲猕猴进化过程中复杂的种间基因流。


    Abstract: The genus Macaca serves as an ideal research model for speciation and introgressive gene flow due to its short period of diversification (about five million years ago) and rapid radiation of constituent species. To understand evolutionary gene flow in macaques, we sequenced four whole genomes (two M. arctoides and two M. thibetana) and combined them with publicly available macaque genome data for genome-wide analyses. We analyzed 14 individuals from nine Macaca species covering all Asian macaque species groups and detected extensive gene flow signals, with the strongest signals between the fascicularis and silenus species groups. Notably, we detected bidirectional gene flow between M. fascicularis and M. nemestrina. The estimated proportion of the genome inherited via gene flow between the two species was 6.19%. However, the introgression signals found among studied island species, such as Sulawesi macaques and M. fuscata, and other species were largely attributed to the genomic similarity of closely related species or ancestral introgression. Furthermore, gene flow signals varied in individuals of the same species (M. arctoides, M. fascicularis, M. mulatta, M. nemestrina and M. thibetana), suggesting very recent gene flow after the populations split. Pairwise sequentially Markovian coalescence (PSMC) analysis showed all macaques experienced a bottleneck five million years ago, after which different species exhibited different fluctuations in demographic history trajectories, implying they have experienced complicated environmental variation and climate change. These results should help improve our understanding of the complicated evolutionary history of macaques, particularly introgressive gene flow.


