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杜丽娜, 杨剑, 闵锐, 陈小勇, 杨君兴. 2021: 利用线粒体基因组探讨云南鳅族五个属的系统分类. 动物学研究, 42(3): 310-334. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.229
引用本文: 杜丽娜, 杨剑, 闵锐, 陈小勇, 杨君兴. 2021: 利用线粒体基因组探讨云南鳅族五个属的系统分类. 动物学研究, 42(3): 310-334. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.229
Li-Na Du, Jian Yang, Rui Min, Xiao-Yong Chen, Jun-Xing Yang. 2021. A review of the Cypriniform tribe Yunnanilini Prokofiev, 2010 from China, with an emphasis on five genera based on morphologies and complete mitochondrial genomes of some species. Zoological Research, 42(3): 310-334. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.229
Citation: Li-Na Du, Jian Yang, Rui Min, Xiao-Yong Chen, Jun-Xing Yang. 2021. A review of the Cypriniform tribe Yunnanilini Prokofiev, 2010 from China, with an emphasis on five genera based on morphologies and complete mitochondrial genomes of some species. Zoological Research, 42(3): 310-334. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.229


A review of the Cypriniform tribe Yunnanilini Prokofiev, 2010 from China, with an emphasis on five genera based on morphologies and complete mitochondrial genomes of some species

  • 摘要: 条鳅科鱼类是一类在生态学上具有重要性,在分类学上具有挑战性的淡水鱼类,广泛分布在亚洲大陆和临近岛屿,以及欧洲和非洲东北部。全世界记录条鳅科种类有47属、758种,其中,在中国有记录的有22属、268种。Prokofiev(2010)基于40个形态特征将条鳅科种类分为5个族,即Vaillantellini、北鳅族Lefuini、云南鳅族Yunnanilini、高原鳅族Triplophysini和条鳅族Nemacheilini。 利用条鳅科部分种的线粒体基因组,对云南鳅族的系统发育关系及其物种的分类地位进行研究。分子结果暗示:首先,云南鳅族不是单系的,云南鳅族种类被分为三支:黑斑云南鳅(Y. nigromaculatus)构成独立的一支,位于树的基部; Petruichthys brevis与条鳅族的南鳅属(Schistura)种类形成姐妹群;小条鳅属(Micronemacheilus)、异条鳅属(Paranemachilus)、沙猫鳅属(Traccatichthys)、云南鳅属(Yunnanilus)与北鳅族的北鳅属(Lefua)、岭鳅属(Oreonectes)和洞鳅属(Troglonectes)交互聚在一起;四川云南鳅(Y. sichuanensis)与高原鳅属种类聚为一支。其次,系统发育结果不支云南鳅属的单系性,黑斑云南鳅形成一个单系,与条鳅科其它种类形成姐妹群;靖西云南鳅(Y. jinxiensis)与颊鳞异条鳅(P. genelepis)聚成一个单系,而丽纹云南鳅(Y. pulcherrimus)与Micronemachelus cruciatus聚为一个单系。  在形态上,Eonemachilus(中文名:始条鳅属)、间条鳅属、小条鳅属、异条鳅属、原条鳅属、中条鳅属和云南鳅属可依据前、后鼻孔的位置、唇部结构、颊部是否被鳞,以及头部侧线管是否存在等联合性状,将这些属区分开来,如间条鳅属、异条鳅属、原条鳅属和沙猫鳅属的前、后鼻孔相邻,而始条鳅属、小条鳅属和云南鳅属的前、后鼻孔分开一小段距离。此外,异条鳅属颊部被鳞,而其它属种类颊部无鳞。小条鳅属和沙猫鳅属的上下唇均有较大的乳突。  在该研究中,依据分子和形态结果,将丽纹云南鳅移入小条鳅属;长须云南鳅和白莲云南鳅移到间条鳅属;靖西云南鳅移到异条鳅属。此外,原云南鳅属中黑斑云南鳅种组的种类被移到始条鳅属。  该研究尚存在一些不足,首先,因缺少间条鳅属模式种——郑氏间条鳅的组织样本,对于间条鳅属的分类地位及其系统发育关系尚未解决;其次,因缺少越南种类Micronemachelus cruciatus的标本,依据文献描述,该种与丽纹小条鳅在形态上不易区分,丽纹小条鳅与M. cruciatus的关系还有待进一步的研究;最后,后鳍云南鳅是目前仅记录于广西的云南鳅属的种类,虽然,蓝家湖等(2013)将其从岭鳅属分离出来,并移到云南鳅属,但是,后鳍云南鳅的前鼻孔形态与云南鳅属其它种类间的差别较大,该种是否为云南鳅属种类,还有待进一步的证实。


    Abstract: The loach tribe Yunnanilini from China is reviewed here using morphological characters and complete mitochondrial genomes of select species. Molecular data suggest that the tribe Yunnanilini is not monophyletic and can be divided into three clades. Species of the Yunnanilus nigromaculatus group form an independent genus and are placed in Eonemachilus. In the phylogenetic tree, Y. jinxiensis clusters with Paranemachilus genilepis, and Y. pulcherrimus clusters with Micronemacheilus cruciatus, indicating that Y. jinxiensis and Y. pulcherrimus belong to Paranemachilus and Micronemacheilus, respectively. Based on morphological data, Y. bailianensis and Y. longibarbatus are placed in Heminoemacheilus, while Y. jinxiensis and Y. pulcherrimus, are placed in Paranemachilus and Micronemacheilus, respectively. Yunnanilus niulanensis and Y. qujinensis are treated as junior synonyms of Eonemachilus caohaiensis. Eonemachilus, Micronemacheilus, and Yunnanilus are show short separation between anterior and posterior nostrils. The genera can be distinguished from each other by mouth structure, lateral line and cephalic lateral-line canals, and papillae on median part of both lips. The anterior and posterior nostrils of Heminoemacheilus and Paranemachilus are closely set. Paranemachilus and Micronemacheilus are distinguished by cheeks covered with scales and lips with papillae, respectively. Our phylogenetic tree and morphological characters support Traccatichthys as a valid genus, which can be distinguished from Micronemacheilus by anterior and posterior nostrils closely set (vs. clearly separated). Four species are placed in Traccatichthys.


