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Ongoing green peafowl protection in China

  • 摘要: 绿孔雀是世界上最濒危的雉类之一。在中国,绿孔雀以外表华丽以及深厚的历史和文化价值而广受喜爱,但目前国内种群估计不足500只。近期Tang等在《科学》杂志上报道宣称红河上游地区建设戛洒江一级水电站会导致绿孔雀灭绝,并呼吁停止该项目。根据我们最近的调查,该物种在中国云南省的22个县域仍然有分布,其中2个县的绿孔雀活动会受水电站建设的影响。我们认为水电站会导致绿孔雀在中国灭绝的论断是有失偏颇的。而且实际上水电站早就于2017年8月已经停工。当前中国绿孔雀保护面临的主要困难是65%以上的绿孔雀种群分布在保护区之外,缺乏有效的保护管理。幸运的是,为加快推进生态文明建设,中国政府已经划定了生态保护红线,为有效保护绿孔雀栖息地提供了政策保障。政府现已将绿孔雀保护纳入优先保护计划,为中国绿孔雀保护带来了新的希望。


    Abstract: The green peafowl (Pavo muticus) is one of the most threatened pheasants in the world. In China, it is widely appreciated for its beauty as well as historical and cultural value, but current populations number less than 500 individuals. Recently, Tang and colleagues reported in Science that the green peafowl is likely to become extinct due to the construction of the Jiasajiang Level 1 Hydropower Station within the Red River Upstream District (RRUD) and thus called for a stop to this project (Tang et al., 2019). According to our recent surveys, however, this species is still extant in 22 counties of Yunnan Province, China, among which, only two within the RRUD have been predicted to be affected by floods from the hydropower station. Therefore, the conclusion that the species will likely go extinct in China upon completion of the dam is unwarranted. In fact, construction of the Jiasajiang Level 1 Hydropower Station was stopped in August 2017. The main challenge for green peafowl conservation is that over 65% of the population occurs outside of protected reserves in China. Fortunately, the Chinese government has adopted an Ecological Redline (ERL) strategy to achieve ecological civilization plans, thus bringing new hope to the conservation of green peafowls both inside and outside of protected reserves. As a top conservation priority for China, the government is fully committed to conserving this peafowl.


