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Patrick K. MALONZA. 2016: 肯尼亚濒危撒加拉蚓螈(Boulengerula niedeni)的保护教育与栖息地恢复. 动物学研究, 37(3): 159-166. DOI: 10.13918/j.issn.2095-8137.2016.3.159
引用本文: Patrick K. MALONZA. 2016: 肯尼亚濒危撒加拉蚓螈(Boulengerula niedeni)的保护教育与栖息地恢复. 动物学研究, 37(3): 159-166. DOI: 10.13918/j.issn.2095-8137.2016.3.159
Patrick K. MALONZA. 2016. Conservation education and habitat restoration for the endangered Sagalla caecilian (Boulengerula niedeni) in Sagalla Hill, Kenya. Zoological Research, 37(3): 159-166. DOI: 10.13918/j.issn.2095-8137.2016.3.159
Citation: Patrick K. MALONZA. 2016. Conservation education and habitat restoration for the endangered Sagalla caecilian (Boulengerula niedeni) in Sagalla Hill, Kenya. Zoological Research, 37(3): 159-166. DOI: 10.13918/j.issn.2095-8137.2016.3.159

肯尼亚濒危撒加拉蚓螈(Boulengerula niedeni)的保护教育与栖息地恢复

Conservation education and habitat restoration for the endangered Sagalla caecilian (Boulengerula niedeni) in Sagalla Hill, Kenya

  • 摘要: 萨加拉蚓螈(Boulengerula niedeni) 是一种肯尼亚泰塔山脉萨加拉山特有的濒危两栖物种。这种形似穴居蚯蚓的物种生活在湿润并富含有机质的松软的土壤中。对于该物种而言,最大的生存威胁在于由过于陡峭的斜坡、裸露的地面以及由外来入侵物种如桉树等造成的水体虹吸/土壤板结等所导致的土壤侵蚀。该研究的目的为通过对当地居民的调查,了解其对该物种的认识程度并明确在通过恢复物种栖息地对物种进行可持续保护的过程中,当地居民可发挥的作用。在该研究中,96%的被调查萨加拉山居民均对该物种及其栖息地有所了解;96%的被调查萨加拉山居民在农场中使用来源于牛类排泄物的有机肥料。通过种植本地原产植物来恢复栖息地在私人土地及公共土地均已比较常见。尽管干旱对幼苗存活造成威胁,尤其是在低海拔地区;而在旱季牲畜对幼苗的毁坏也是主要因素之一,因此,在将来制定栖息地保护计划时,需考虑修建防畜栏杆以保护幼苗。萨加拉蚓螈的栖息地多位于山谷中,种植无花果树(Ficus)等标志性物种有利于营造理想的微生态坏境,效果优于本地物种林场。


    Abstract: The Sagalla caecilian (Boulengerula niedeni) is an endangered amphibian endemic to Sagalla Hill in the Taita Hills. This burrowing worm-like species prefers soft soil with high moisture and organic matter. The major threats to the Sagalla caecilian are soil erosion caused by steep slopes, bare ground and water siphoning/soil hardening from exotic eucalyptus trees. The purpose of this study was to get a better understanding of the local people's attitude towards this species and how they can contribute to its continued conservation through restoration of its remaining habitat. In this study, it was found that 96% of Sagalla people are aware of the species, its habits and its association with soils high in organic matter. It was also found that 96% of Sagalla people use organic manure from cow dung in their farms. Habitat restoration through planting of indigenous plants was found to be ongoing, especially on compounds of public institutions as well as on private lands. Although drought was found to be a challenge for seedlings development especially on the low elevation sites, destruction by livestock especially during the dry season is also a major threat. In this study, it was recommended that any future habitat restoration initiative should include strong chain-link fencing to protect the seedlings from livestock activity. Recognizing that the preferred habitats for the species are in the valleys, systematic planting of keystone plant species such as fig trees (Ficus) creates the best microhabitats. These are better than general woodlots of indigenous trees.


