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马英杰, 王勐, 胡小瑜, 古晓东, 李玉美, 魏辅文, 聂永刚. 2023: 大熊猫关键食物资源--竹笋的人为干扰研究. 动物学研究, 44(5): 860-866. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2022.526
引用本文: 马英杰, 王勐, 胡小瑜, 古晓东, 李玉美, 魏辅文, 聂永刚. 2023: 大熊猫关键食物资源--竹笋的人为干扰研究. 动物学研究, 44(5): 860-866. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2022.526
Ying-Jie Ma, Meng Wang, Xiao-Yu Hu, Xiao-Dong Gu, Yu-Mei Li, Fu-Wen Wei, Yong-Gang Nie. 2023. Identifying priority protection areas of key food resources of the giant panda. Zoological Research, 44(5): 860-866. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2022.526
Citation: Ying-Jie Ma, Meng Wang, Xiao-Yu Hu, Xiao-Dong Gu, Yu-Mei Li, Fu-Wen Wei, Yong-Gang Nie. 2023. Identifying priority protection areas of key food resources of the giant panda. Zoological Research, 44(5): 860-866. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2022.526


Identifying priority protection areas of key food resources of the giant panda

  • 摘要: 大熊猫在现生熊科动物中食性最为独特,其食物组成中竹子占比高达99%,是拥有肉食消化系统的专性素食者。大熊猫主要取食竹子的不同部位,如叶、笋、茎等。其中,竹笋的粗蛋白含量最高,并且富含水分,容易被消化。摄食这一高蛋白的食物可为大熊猫贮存更多的营养。不同山系的大熊猫都有逐笋迁移的习性,即随着不同海拔竹子发笋的季节变化而进行垂直梯度的迁移。因此,野生大熊猫的繁殖交配、孕育幼仔等重要生命活动都受这一关键食物资源的影响。该研究通过收集秦岭和邛崃山系大熊猫觅食以及繁殖时间的数据发现,不同山系大熊猫的繁殖交配时间与当地竹子发笋时间相吻合,以此得到迅速的能量补充以及确保后续的繁殖成功。而作为大熊猫繁殖期的关键食物资源,竹笋在其分布的六大山系仍然面临不同程度的人类采笋干扰。该研究通过对大熊猫分布的六大山系的42个大熊猫保护区进行调研发现,不同山系的大熊猫保护区的人类采笋程度不同,对人类采笋行为的管理政策也不一致;高强度的人类采笋行为主要发生在岷山山系的东南部、凉山山系的东部和大相岭山系的西部等地区,秦岭、邛崃、凉山山系中部具有中等的人类采笋强度。采笋行为对分布于凉山、大相岭和小相岭山系的局域小种群威胁最高,人类采笋行为可能严重影响大熊猫对关键食物资源的获得,不利于其种群繁衍,进而导致这些孤立小种群面临更大的生存挑战。通过对大熊猫关键食物资源保护空缺区域的优先等级排序分析表明,最需要保护的区域为凉山和大相岭山系,而小相岭和邛崃山系也有部分区域需要重点关注。该研究围绕竹笋这一关键食物资源,开展人类采笋干扰研究,掌握了目前大熊猫分布区域存在的不同程度的人类采笋情况,通过对这一关键食物资源保护空缺区域的优先等级排序分析,明确了在未来保护中应该最先保护的区域,并为国家公园体制下的大熊猫及其栖息地的保护管理提供了基础信息。


    Abstract: Animals that live in seasonal environments adjust their reproduction cycle to optimize seasonal forage quality. Giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) are seasonal altitudinal migrants that feed on bamboo shoots and leaves with different nutritional quality. However, the importance of bamboo shoots to giant pandas, especially small and isolated populations, is not fully appreciated. Here, we explored whether mating time of giant pandas is shaped by bamboo shoot phenology. We also assessed the intensity of ongoing bamboo shoot harvesting by local communities in 42 giant panda reserves based on questionnaire surveys. Varying intensity and protection levels of bamboo shoot harvesting were found. From these data, we developed a priority ranking scheme of protection areas for this key food resource. Our study showed that pandas time their mating behavior to coincide with bamboo shoot phenology due to the high nutritional demands associated with mating and pregnancy. We also found that bamboo shoots were not well protected in many places. Liangshan, Daxiangling, and Xiaoxiangling, containing the most isolated panda populations, were identified as the areas with the most urgent need of protection. Furthermore, equal attention should be paid to the QiongL-B population, as this region holds considerable potential to serve as a corridor between the Minshan and Qionglai populations. To address the challenges posed by bamboo shoot harvesting, we recommend establishing more practical bamboo shoot management policies, increasing public awareness of bamboo shoot protection, and providing alternative sources of income for local communities.


